Revolutionize your pharmaceutical R&D data analyses workflows.

Aevidence is a cutting-edge stack of interactive scientific discovery apps. Explore your biomedical data like never before and gain insights into disease understanding, targets/therapeutic concepts, and modality decisions. Maximize your data potential and stay ahead of the competition.

Simple and Effective Analysis Workflow


Search for Entities

With Aevidence, you’ll gain access to a database of over 80,000 search entities. Whether you’re searching for genes, diseases, compounds, or companies, our platform provides detailed information on every entity and their combinations.


Instant Overview

Our platform delivers instant insights on every search item and their corresponding data. Scroll through each of our intuitive apps to unlock a comprehensive overview of your query, giving you the information you need in real time.


Explore the Data

Our apps are designed to help you dig deeper, investigate the nuances of the data, and identify key takeaways. With interactive features, you can load more data and perform analysis to gain the insights you need to reach your goals.

Visually explore your data

Interactively prioritize, filter, and browse interconnected tabular data by using our LineUp visualization technique combined with tailored visualizations.

Open Source

Access data via tailored apps

Utilize a range of powerful applications, including gene and sequence information, pharma pipelines, bioactivity and expression analysis, and structural and chemical proteomics

Create and characterize cohorts

Interactively build cohorts and use them for downstream analysis in expression and survival analysis.

Extend the platform

Integrate new in-house data and workflows alongside our extensive collection of pre-loaded public datasets, elevating your data insights to a whole new level.

Aevidence in Action

Aevidence in Numbers

Recognized Entities
> 0 k
Data Sources
0 +
No Regrets

Aevidence Apps – Portals to Your Data

Structural Bioinformatics

The structural bioinformatics app presents all available protein structures from RCSB. Structures are clustered using the STRuster algorithm, which considers aligned pairwise intramolecular C-alpha atom or amino acid centroid when comparing two X-Ray structures.


The bioactivity data app integrates bioactivity data from various sources. The user can define target and off-target filters as well as structural constraints such as a substructure or a reference structure for similarity filtering.

Gene Information

The gene information app provides a concise summary of the gene of interest and its function. In addition the subcellular location view shows in what parts of the cell a protein of interest is expressed. Click on a description to highlight the organelle in the cell diagram.

Sequence Analysis

The protein sequence analysis app provides the protein sequence identity of human hormologs aswell as orthologs among pre-clinical research relevant tox species. The user can narrow the sequence comparison to protein domains of interest and analyse sequence alignments in detail.

More Aevidence Apps

Genetics Aevidence


The genetics app consists of two parts: The GWAS (gene-wide association study) and the PheWAS (phenome-wide association study) sections. The GWAS section presents significantly associated SNPs for diseases/traits of interest across the genome, while the PheWAS section presents SNPs within specified genes that are significantly associated with diseases/traits. SNPs can be selected to obtain detailed information.

Chemical Proteomics

The chemical proteomics app allows users to visually mine through proteome-wide binding data generated for covalent fragment libraries.

Oncology Aevidence


The oncology app provides a concise overview of genomics alterations across TCGA cancer types, 3D mutation hotspots, expression differences in tumor vs. normal samples and CRISPR knock-out effects.

Expression Analysis

The expression analysis app hosts multiple studies like CCLE, TCGA, GTEx and more. The expression of one or multiple genes can be compared depending on tissue, disease status etc., depending on the sample annotations provided by the respective study.

Your Custom App

Aevidence can be easily extended with apps customized to your requirements and data landscape. Contact us for more details.

Aevidence Database

Our AevidenceDB integrates public data from 60+ sources, including cBioPortal, ChEMBL, depMap, GTExPortal, Reactome, TCGA, Uniprot, and many more. Aevidence is shipped with a set of data importers that are based upon the mara ETL framework.

License Models

datavisyn offers licenses for corporate and for non-commercial/academic use

Corporate License

The corporate license follows a subscription model with annual fees. The subscription includes access to all features of the tool, continuous and unlimited updates, and usage support. Multi-year discounts are available.


Enterprise licenses come with packages of “seats”. Active regular users take a seat. The standard package includes 10 seats. Larger packages are available upon request. Seats are evaluated holistically, i.e., datavisyn reviews usage, and if the usage consistently exceeds the usage of the package, the customer is asked to upgrade their package. 

Optional services

Datavisyn provides optional support for the deployment, operation, and development of extensions and modifications. We also offer 2-day on-site or remote trainings. These services are based on an hourly rate or on an agreed-upon flat fee. Extensions and modifications require a valid license.  


An active license includes the following maintenance efforts:

  • Provision of periodic release packages 
  • Problem analysis, identification, and correction of bugs
  • SLA availability between 8 AM and 5 PM CET on Austrian business days
  • Updates to changes in 3rd party libraries and dependencies
  • Application support: Answering technical questions about the functionality of the software

Academic License

Academic organizations or non-commercial users can request a free license. We are happy to provide support for the usage, deployment, operation, and custom developments for academic users based on an hourly rate or an agreed-upon flat fee. If you are interested, please contact with your contact information (full name, institution name, institution email address).

Pricing & Plans


Academic / Non-Commercial


1 year
Multi-year discounts available




Seats included

Larger packages available

Public data import
from over 65 sources



Software maintenance



Data integration and extension development



2 remote training sessions included


User authentication
SSO support



1 month free trial
With public data on a demo system hosted by datavisyn

1  month free trial
With public data on a demo system hosted by datavisyn

Deployment Models




Your commerical cloud provider (AWS preferred)

Your organization


Your commerical cloud

On premise or commercial cloud


You pay your cloud provider directly

You pay your cloud provider directly

Set up time

Fast rocket" Emoji - Download for free – Iconduck

Dependent on institutional approvals and internal IT 

What we deliver

Running develop and production instances on your cloud environment

Docker-images, Helm charts, including documentation

What you deliver

Commercial cloud account (AWS EKS cluster preferred)

The whole environment, setup, and deployment


Fixed price

Your internal costs + support by datavisyn paid by the hour